Abstract Details 193

ePix: a new family of cameras for LCLS
Abstract ID 193
Presenter LCLS Detector Group
Presentation Type Poster
Full Author List  



ePix is a new family of hybrid pixel array detectors developed for LCLS. In their first generation they will match the 120 Hz repetition rate of the source and will then be upgraded to the kHz regime to meet some of the needs of LCLS II. We present here the first two members of the family. The ePix100 x-ray camera is designed and built for tender and hard x-ray experiments: with its very low noise (better than 100e-) and small pixel (50 um) is particularly suitable for X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) and spectrometers. The ePix10k is designed to replace the CSpad for hard x-ray experiments, providing similar spatial resolution with better noise performance and more than a factor of three higher maximum signal. The large dynamic range makes it particularly suitable for Coherent Imaging and Pump-Probe experiments. The two detectors are built on the same platform and use the same communication protocol.



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